Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment for amblyopia

Amblyopia treatment is most successful in young children under the age of 8 years old. Attempts to treat a lazy eye after this age may be more difficult and not be as effective. Therefore, it’s important to start treatment for a lazy eye as young as possible.

As well as their age, the success of the lazy eye treatment does depend on the initial vision level in the child’s affected eye, as well as their cooperation with the treatment. It is essential that the treatment instructions of the doctor or vision consultant are followed as strictly as possible to prevent the child’s vision becoming permanently impaired.

Treatment for a lazy eye in a child will involve correcting any underlying conditions, as well as encouraging use of the affected eye to allow it to develop. For instances where short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism are contributing to a lazy eye, glasses should help to correct this issue. These should always be worn and the prescription should be checked regularly. Glasses can also help to treat squints and may resolve the lazy eye issue without any further treatment.

If a cataract is causing the issue, then lazy eye surgery may be required to remove the cataract and allow vision in the affected eye to develop properly. The operation typically takes around two hours and is performed under general anaesthetic. Surgery may also be required in some cases of squints. This will improve the appearance by strengthening or weakening the muscles in the eye to change the position of the lazy eye. While this won’t improve their vision, it will align the child’s eye and allow them to work together better.

Amblyopia treatment is available at Moorfields Private

You can self-fund or use private medical insurance to fund your treatment.

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