Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 enables people to gain access to information held by public authorities in two ways: by public authorities making available some information as a matter of routine through a publication scheme; and general right of access, under which any person has the right to make a request for information held by a public authority.


What is the publication scheme?

The publication scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely published by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Right of access to information

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has a duty to confirm or deny that we hold the requested information, and provide the information within 20 days unless it is subject to an exemption.  If you would like to make a request under FOI, please contact the FOI team using the contact details below.

Note on copyright

Please note that information provided by us under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is copyrighted to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and is for your personal use only. If you wish to use this information for commercial purposes then, in accordance with the Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information 2005, you must first ask our permission. Such re-use may or may not involve the granting of a licence and the application of a fee.

FOI Disclosure Logs

Our disclosure log shows our responses to requests made to the Trust under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Please use the logs for frequently asked questions as they may contain the answers you are seeking. Updated disclosure logs will be published periodically, the information may not be in the section or exact format you wish but it is the information held by the Trust.

If you cannot find the information you require in the disclosure logs, our publication scheme or elsewhere on our website, please submit an FOI request to:

Freedom of information requests

If you are making a request for information, please note the following:

  • Please include a valid email address and contact number to help us process your request
  • If you are requesting information outlined in the publication scheme please state the class of information requested    
  • Personal information, such as health records, is exempt; information about how to request personal information held by Moorfields about yourself is included in 'how we use your information' in the 'your visit' section of this website. 

Contact details

You can send any freedom of information requests by email, telephone call or in writing. 


Write to us:

Freedom of Information

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

City Road




Call us on 020 7253 3411 Email us

Freedom of Information - Publication scheme

One of the core aims of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) is to encourage public authorities to be clear and proactive about the information they make available to the public.


Guide to information

As a public authority under the FOIA, as well as responding to requests Moorfields proactively publishes information to make it readily available to the public in our publication scheme. Our scheme follows the model publication scheme for healthcare bodies devised by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The purpose of our publication scheme is to make information available quickly and easily. Our scheme explains what information we publish, where it can be found or requested, and whether it is free or if there is a charge. The kinds of information health bodies are required to publish are grouped into seven different classes and subcategories as outlined below. For each subcategory, the link will either take you to where the information is held on our website, enable you to directly download the information, or direct you to how it can be obtained from either the relevant trust specialty or via the FOI Team.

Publications are free unless indicated to the contrary. If the information you require does not appear readily available below, we recommend using our website's search facility or index. Remember that you may also request any information not in the scheme under the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations by contacting the FOI team at, or equally, if you require information in a different language, in Braille or in an audio format.

The Trust adheres to the Open Government Licence conditions for re-use of data or information from the scheme, so provided that information is suitably attributed to the Trust, you may re-use the following material unless otherwise stated (usual exceptions apply, please see licence). For permission to re-use information not covered by the licence, - for example information we already make available commercially or research information - or if you have any concerns about the way that your request has been handled or our implementation of the scheme, please contact the Trust’s Information Governance Lead via For further information on publication schemes please see the Information Commissioner’s website at