Diagnosis and treatment

How is myopia diagnosed?

Myopia is usually diagnosed with a simple glasses test using a special torch (retinoscope) and lenses to measure how your eye focuses.

Vision correction for myopia (short-sightedness)

Moorfields Private offers three main vision correction options to treat myopia (short-sightedness) and remove the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Non-surgical treatment

It is generally possible to correct myopia with prescription glasses or contact lenses, using concave (curved inwards) lenses, which move the focus of the light backwards onto the retina, allowing you to see clearly. Glasses and contact lenses are available from high-street optician outlets.

If you choose contact lenses, daily disposables are the safest type for most patients with myopia. Overnight wear should be avoided, as this increases the risk of infection.

Contact the new patient team

Call our new patient team

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm excluding bank holidays for general enquiries or to book an appointment.

0800 328 3421

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