Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment for Stargardt disease

UV-blocking sunglasses can offer some protection for remaining vision. At the moment, Stargardt’s is untreatable.

A number of novel interventions are currently under investigation, including stem cell therapies. Stem cells are a special type of cell which, when put under the right conditions, can develop into many other types of cell including those found in the macular. It is hoped that new cells derived from stem cells can be grown in a laboratory to be transplanted into the eye to replace areas of dead or non-functioning cells. Stem cells can be sourced from a number of places including blood, bone marrow, umbilical cord and fertilized egg cells.

Researchers are involved in Europe’s first ongoing stem cell trial for Stargardt’s. More research will need to be undertaken in the future to determine to what extent stem cell therapy might help improve vision for people with Stargardt’s.

Stargardt disease treatment is available at Moorfields Private

You can self-fund or use private medical insurance to fund your treatment.

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